English translation for "functional division of labor"
- 职能分工
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The separation of ownership and control in modern enterprise and the asymmetry of information between professional enterpriser and owner are the condition to produce this problem . the establishment of incentive and disciplinary mechanism to professional enterpriser can assure that modern enterprise has the high efficiency produced by the functional division of labor among enterprisers , besides , it is the necessary requirement to avoid loss that is caused because of the disagreement of target gains between enterpriser and owner . for these reasons , whether the incentive and disciplinary mechanism to enterpriser is good or bad , is one of important indictors to evaluate economic system 现代企业所有权和控制权的分离,职业企业家和所有者之间信息不对称,是产生企业家的激励约束问题的条件,建立职业企业家的激励约束机制,是在保证现代企业组织享有企业家职能分工产生的高效率的同时,避免职业企业家和企业所有者的目标利益不一致从而造成损失的必然要求,从这个意义上说,企业的激励约束机制优劣,是比较、评价经济体制的重要指标之一。 | | 2. | Organization for investment decision making leading by the investment decision making commitment was established , as well as the work flow and functional division of labor were redesigned , by analyzing the investment environment , organization structure and program , and problems existed . the principles and relate theories on modern management , investment and technical economics were used in the revolution of organization structure , function and decision making program 本文通过对钢城企业总公司内外投资环境、投资决策组织结构、投资决策程序以及现行投资决策中存在的问题剖析,运用现代管理学、投资学、技术经济学的相关理论和原理,从组织结构及职能、决策程序的改革入手,引入量化决策方法,建立钢城企业总公司以投资决策委员会为核心的投资决策的组织机构,并重新规划设计职能分工和工作流程。 |
- Similar Words:
- "functional distribution" English translation, "functional districts" English translation, "functional disturbance" English translation, "functional disturbance of esophagus" English translation, "functional division" English translation, "functional domain" English translation, "functional drink" English translation, "functional drinks" English translation, "functional dypepsia" English translation, "functional dysmenorrhea" English translation